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One-day course 

Flow based

Enhance your knowledge

of the key enablers of flow

and gain simple tools to succeed in practice with effective and empowering leadership of flow, resilience, and engagement.


Looking for New Inspiration for Your Leadership?

In modern organisations, we often face demands to meet speed, quality, innovation, customer satisfaction, and employee well-being all at once. At the same time, the challenges we need to solve are often both complex and time critical. This challenge cannot be managed with traditional leadership models and management techniques, which rely on assumptions of predictability and a clear separation between planning and execution.

Instead, we need to explore new ways of leading, managing, and collaborating that allow us to embrace complexity while meeting our stakeholders' expectations for timely and high quality value creation. We need fresh thinking and new approaches to step into leadership that engages people and strengthens self-organisation and collaboration across disciplines and contexts.


We must rethink ourselves and our organisations with respect for what is already working well.

During this course day, you will gain an overview and practical tools for placing flow efficiency, resilience, and engagement at the centre of developing future organisations, releasing energy, and enabling you to reinvent yourselves as an embedded part of your work.

We invite you to an intensive day with our experienced consultants, featuring the following programme:

Morning session 

Introduction to Leading Flow
– Key Tools and Everyday Examples

In the morning, we will introduce you to a powerful conceptual framework around flow, resilience, and engagement, along with practical examples from everyday situations. These concepts, insights, and stories can be used actively to create a shared understanding and coordinated actions for flow efficiency within your own organisation.

We will explore:

  • What is flow, how is it connected to resilience and engagement, and why is it essential for you and future organisations to master?

  • How does flow thinking challenge our leadership habits, and which habits are especially important to rethink?

  • What are the key tools for promoting flow, and how can we put them into practice?

  • What can we do to balance expectations and capacity better, thereby countering overload and declining engagement?

  • Stories and examples from everyday life that show how other organisations have brought flow thinking to life in practice.

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Afternoon session: 

Improvement Through Pilot Actions – Small Steps Leading to Big Impact

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In the afternoon, we will focus on how you can further develop and create even better conditions for flow in your context.


You will acquire:

  • An overview of developing and sustaining improvements by working systematically and professionally with pilot actions and follow-up, taking experiences seriously.

  • An introduction to how you can support and embed rethought leadership behaviours, even – or perhaps especially – when they seem counterintuitive.

  • A well tested toolkit you can use to immediately begin implementing pilot actions related to behavioural changes that can promote flow, resilience, and engagement.

  • What You Will Gain
    As a participant, you will receive a focused introduction to key concepts in flow thinking, practical cases, and areas of focus for rethinking leadership, work methods, and organisation. Additionally, you will get a kickstart and a toolkit to immediately begin developing and embedding new behaviours that promote flow.
  • Practical Information
    The course day will be held at Lydens Hus, Gammel Kongevej 11-13, Copenhagen V. We will provide full catering throughout the day. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements or needs. We will issue a certificate of attendance, which will be sent to you after the course.
  • Course Day Follow-Up
    After one month, we invite you to a follow-up session with the other participants, where we will collectively reflect on: How it has gone with applying the insights from the course day to your own practice, What challenges have you encountered, Where you and others have had positive experiences, And what the next good steps might be for you in your efforts to integrate the key tools into your daily routine.
  • Prices and Discounts
    The course costs DKK 6,200 (excluding VAT). You can secure your place by clicking, completing, and paying for the desired date below. Until 14 days before the course day, we offer Early Bird tickets with a 10% discount, reducing the cost to £5,580 (excluding VAT). If multiple participants from the same organisation attend the same course day, we offer a 10% discount on the second participant and an additional 10% on the third participant. -This applies to both Early Bird and regular tickets. You can book multiple tickets together using the contact form at the bottom of the page. ALTERNATIVELY: You are also welcome to complete the registration form
  • Instructional Approach
    This course combines presentations, workshops, discussions, and reflections. We focus on providing you with the opportunity to create new understandings through dialogue with us and the other participants, allowing you to settle on your own terms. Although we have much to share, we prioritise giving everyone time for thoughtful consideration.
  • Prerequisites
    It can be beneficial but is not required if you have experience with team-based work and possibly (co-)leading such teams, regardless of your formal role. Our focus is on leading flow, resilience, and engagement, which can apply to various forms of complex work in development, operations, and service. If you see yourself in any of the above scenarios and feel a connection to your tasks, we believe you will find this course a good fit.
  • Organisational Benefits
    You gain an improvement agent with enhanced skills to contribute to leadership that promotes flow, resilience, and engagement. They will have a conceptual framework that invites shared understanding and coordinated action in relation to supporting flow, along with practical tools to implement in a way that improve flow without adding more tasks to the workload.
  • The Instructors
    Pia, Henrik, and Ulrik help organisations rethink themselves every day and embed key tools that promote flow into practice. They work across various types of organisations and contexts. Each has their special interests, rooted in many years of exploring leadership in complexity. They all practice a systemic/appreciative approach to improvement and rethinking, valuing the importance of context and relationships. They have particular expertise in making flow work in complex tasks requiring cross-functional and interdisciplinary collaboration. Their combined years of practical experience with lean-agile leadership and work methods, coupled with deep theoretical insight and a continually growing curiosity about other fields, ensure that they bring valuable—and sometimes entertaining—stories that are well-supported and contextualised. With different starting points, they now focus mainly on developing flow-promoting leadership and maintaining leadership behaviours that release energy and take experiences and learning seriously in an effort to create sustainable organisations that thrive in change.
  • Is this course right for you?
    This course is designed for anyone interested in rethinking leadership, management, and organisation, and who seeks inspiration to develop leadership behaviours that enhance flow, resilience, and engagement in organisational contexts. Do you work in leadership within a public authority or service organisation? Are you responsible for one or more teams in a development organisation? Do you lead in a strategic or operational context? Are you looking for ways to improve co-leadership, self-organisation, and cross-functional collaboration in your current role? If so, this course day is for you, regardless of your role or whether you are a formal leader. Flow-promoting leadership can be applied in all types of contexts, and we welcome everyone to come together with curiosity and an openness to enrich each other with our diverse experiences and perspectives.
  • Individual Sessions: Coaching, Sparring, and Mentoring
    During the masterclass, you can book two short individual sessions with one of the instructors. These sessions allow you to discuss and explore what is on your mind in a confidential setting. The sessions can be organised as coaching, sparring, or mentoring – the choice is yours.
  • Module 3: Trust, Transparency, and Self-Organization - Flow in the Immediate Operational Context (1 day)
    In Module 3, we focus specifically on trust, transparency, and self-organisation within the immediate operational context, where a smaller number of employees (a team, a workgroup, a department, or another form of work community) contribute to solving organisational tasks. You will gain: A deeper understanding of the significance of trust, transparency, and self-organization, and how we can foster these elements without losing the sense of being in control. Insights into how, from a leadership perspective, we support smaller workgroups, teams, and roles in collaborating effectively on tasks, thereby creating conditions that enhance their abilities for self-organisation/co-leadership, collaboration, and the implementation of improvements. Practical tools for creating and maintaining changed leadership behaviour that is supportive of flow in the immediate operational context.
  • Peer Groups: Professional Reflection in Safe Forums
    We invite everyone to join a peer group with a small number of other participants. We facilitate two peer groups along the way and simultaneously provide you with the tools to continue on your own after the programme.
  • Module 6: Thriving with Leadership in Uncertainty and Complexity - Flow in the Personal Context (1 day)
    When we work with flow, engagement, and resilience from a systemic perspective, we particularly focus on the relational and the collective aspects. This does not contradict the importance of your own personal leadership. Therefore, in Module 6, we explore the impact of your leadership behaviour on succeeding with flow, resilience, and engagement. We ensure you are inspired to rethink your fundamental assumptions and beliefs, making it inevitable for you to reinvent your patterns of action. You will gain: Insight into how we can “be the improvement” we wish to see in our work lives and how we can lead ourselves and others through the counterintuitive behavioural changes often needed to enhance flow. An overview of how we can rethink leadership tasks, roles, and behaviours in the personal context. Practical tools for creating and maintaining changed leadership behaviour that supports flow in this context.
  • Module 1: Understanding Leadership of Flow, Engagement, and Resilience (2 days)
    In Module 1, we explore the fundamental concepts, assumptions, and approaches to leadership that support flow in both simple and complex contexts. You will acquire tools and terms to develop a common language with your colleagues and other partners in your organisation. You will: Enhance your language about flow with concepts that facilitate joint meaning-making with your partners, enabling more coordinated action. See examples of well-known “miracle solutions” and pitfalls when seeking to increase flow, engagement, and organisational resilience. Receive an introduction to queue theory, along with real-world examples of its application in practice. Deepen your understanding of why rethinking leadership is necessary to support flow, why sustaining behavioural changes can be challenging, and what can be done about it. In Module 1, we also briefly introduce how you can work with trial actions (action learning) and behavioural design in practice within your own organisation if you wish and have the opportunity. On the first evening, we will have dinner together to allow for further discussion and relationship-building in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Module 5: Resilience and Agility - Flow in the Strategic Context (1 day)
    Working with continuous improvement of flow, engagement, and resilience is a strategic choice that requires rethinking our approach to strategy. In Module 5, we focus on how we can create strategic frameworks for organisational resilience and agility from a leadership perspective. You will gain: Insight into ensuring sufficient strategic coordination and direction that invites co-leadership unleashes everyone's engagement and energy and strengthens the organisation's ability to navigate complexity and thrive amid constant changes and shifting needs in our environment. An overview of how we establish more dynamic, adaptable work processes and management tools in the strategic context, helping us connect our day-to-day work to the strategic direction. Practical tools for creating and maintaining changed leadership behaviour that supports flow in the strategic context.
  • Module 2: Start Where You Are – Strategy for Successful Rethinking (1 day)
    In Module 2, we focus on creating the conditions for strategic leadership of sustainable improvements by delving into topics such as: How do we create broad managerial support for continuous improvement of flow, both from a strategic and an operational perspective? How do we ensure it remains appealing to work with rethinking and changing leadership behaviour? Where do we start, and how big should the steps be in our organisation? How do we find the "proximal zone of development," where real progress can occur without either complacency or counterproductive haste? How do we invite participation, co-leadership, and co-creation among relevant stakeholders in the improvement process in a way that fits our context? How do we work systematically and professionally with trial actions and experience gathering across the organisation?
  • Kick-off
    We start by getting to know each other a bit and gaining an overview of the programme and mutual expectations. We invite you to a brief, individual online interview and a survey to gain insight into your organisational and managerial challenges, ambitions, and dreams. This allows us to tailor the programme to fit your context and expectations. We will share the insights anonymously at an online kick-off, where everyone will have the opportunity to briefly greet each other and align expectations.
  • Module 7: Deep Dive into Special Focus Areas (1 day)
    In Module 7, we focus on rooting, reflecting, and deepening our understanding. Through presentations and facilitated discussions, we delve into what most occupies both of you and us - the aspects that we and you have identified along the way. - These are topics we have become particularly interested in and wish to explore further concerning flow, resilience, and engagement. We may have identified a particularly timely topic we would like to explore together. We will also reflect on what can further contribute to applying our skills and competencies in practice.
  • Module 8: Practical Certification and Knowledge Sharing – Continuous Improvement (1 day)
    The complete programme concludes with an optional certification. If you have engaged in action learning throughout the course, the certification will involve presenting and reflecting on your experiences and receiving feedback. If you have not engaged in action learning, you can present your design and reflections on a different type of case from your own organisational reality in relation to creating better flow, resilience, and engagement. If you provide such a contribution at a satisfactory level, you will receive the certification. Everyone who has demonstrated satisfactory participation throughout the programme will receive a certificate of participation under all circumstances.
  • Module 4: Relational Coordination and Teaming - Flow in the Cross-Functional Operational Context (1 day)
    In this module, we delve into and work with relational coordination and teaming grounded in the cross-functional operational context. Here, we find answers on how, with a focus on flow and tools from relational coordination and teaming, we can support collaboration involving multiple workgroups and teams - often across the organisation. We examine the collaboration process from the start, when we first become aware of a desire or need, to the end, when we have contributed to fulfilling that desire/need. You will gain: A deeper understanding of the significance of relational coordination and teaming as means to enhance the organisation’s ability to collaborate across divisions Insight into how, from a leadership perspective, we can create the best conditions for collaboration to ensure flow and remove barriers in the cross-functional operational context.
  • Instructors
    Pia, Henrik, and Ulrik work daily to help organisations develop leadership that fosters effective flow, resilience in the face of change, high engagement, and satisfied recipients of the organisation's products or services. Their common foundation is leadership in complexity and a systemic-appreciative basic understanding of organisations. They all have many years of practical experience and deep theoretical insight into lean-agile leadership and leadership in self-organising and co-leading teams. They support the development of trustful and transparent collaboration across various industries and sectors. With different starting points, they currently focus especially on developing flow-promoting leadership and maintaining leadership behaviours that release energy and take experiences and learning seriously in the effort to create sustainable organisations that thrive in change. They have particular expertise in successfully managing the flow of complex work requiring cross-functional and interdisciplinary collaboration in practice. Professionally, they pragmatically draw on a wide range of insights and experiences from, for example, complexity thinking, queue theory, Kanban, behavioural psychology, self/co-leadership, change management, improvement management, lean, agile, fair processes, teaming, engaging goal management, action learning, strategising, relational coordination and capacity, and personal leadership. If you opt for the voluntary action learning, we meet you and your organisation exactly where you are - regardless of how you are organised and whether or how you may have chosen to follow any particular "template" or any other constraints you may be under. You will also meet inspiring guest instructors rooted in organisational psychology and the practice of flow leadership.
  • Benefits
    As a participant, you will primarily gain language, concepts and practical knowledge to be a more effective representative and ambassador for the change you wish to see in your organisation regarding the management of flow, resilience, and engagement. You will acquire tools to better position yourself and contribute more appropriately to leadership in various organisational contexts, as well as to focus on the most significant parts of the leadership task in promoting flow. You will enhance your ability to strengthen the relational work that is often key to success in practice. You will also receive assistance in cracking thee sustainable changes in leadership behaviour that can work for you "code" to creat in your context. If you choose to use it, you will also receive support to combine the course with action learning in your own organisation. This allows you to immediately translate learning into action, parallel to your ongoing participation in the programme.
  • Is the masterclass for you?
    The programme is designed for anyone who wants to delve deeply into rethinking leadership and organisation to enhance flow, resilience, and engagement. Our experience shows that in this field, there are many commonalities in the underlying ideas, thought processes, and “miracle solutions” that translate these ideas into new leadership practices. These apply across industries and organisations, whether public, private, operational, or developmental.
  • Price
    The total price for the masterclass is DKK 54.675 (excl. VAT). Would you like to bring one or more colleagues? There is a discount available. Contact us to find out more. You can split the payment into several parts if that suits you better.
  • What the Organisation Will Gain
    You will gain an improvement agent with enhanced skills to contribute to leadership that promotes flow efficiency, resilience, and engagement. This enables your organisation to meet new demands promptly, thrive in changes, and benefit from everyone’s knowledge, creativity, and engagement. You will acquire competencies that equip you to practically increase your organisation’s relational capacity, thereby enhancing your ability to collaborate across divisions to meet new challenges and opportunities together. And you will gain strong expertise that can frame, maintain, and facilitate desired changes in leadership behaviour. If you choose to support action learning, you will also solve some of the business problems you need to address anyway, with support, leaps, and new approaches.
  • Practical Information
    The kick-off is held virtually January 21st, 2025 (Excact time to follow.) Modules 2-8 are spaced a month apart. No modules during the summer months. Module 1 takes place over two days at Kosmopol, Fiolstræde 44, DK-1171 Copenhagen K. You must arrange your own accommodation, but the price includes a communal dinner on the first day. Modules 2 to 8, each lasting one day, are also held in Fiolstræde. We provide full catering throughout.

Would you like a course in your organisation?

This training day began as a specially tailored course within a single organisation. Should we visit you?

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leadership programme 
with practical certification 

Practical Leadership of Flow, Resilience, and Engagement

We provide you with both the concepts and the tools to help create future organisations capable of rethinking leadership and reinventing themselves as an embedded part of daily work. Whether your focus is on operations, service, or development.


If you want to delve into how you can contribute to embedding flow, resilience, and engagement practically in a complex everyday setting, where short term tips and tricks alone are not sufficient, then come and be curious with us.

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